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2019 release. Double album on red vinyls with gatefold cover.Limited 450 copies

The long awaited return of the Swedish Black Metal band. It hasbeen six long years but now Void is finally unleashed upon mankind.Craft has been kicking around for ages and had released threefull-lengths before this slab dropped in Early August 2011. Impleased to say that Craft´s core sound-slower, heavier, riffierparts punctuated by busier, more dissonant black metal portionsreplete with tremolo picking and blast beats-is not only well inevidence on this release, but has been sharpened and refined. Thedisparate styles have begun to infect one another, and the doomieror deathier slow parts have begun to take on the character of blackmetal in their angularity and occasional brittleness whileretaining the completeness and almost geometrically satisfyingnature of a well-written riff that sticks in your head. All this isto say that Craft has decided that it is not going to worry aboutprogging out their sound so it has a bunch of extraneous (to them)components; the music is unmistakably Scandinavian black metal tothe core, all blast beats and raspy, shrieking vocals. If Craftknows or cares about any recent developments in black metal, it´sreally good at not letting on. After the inconsequential "Intro,""Serpent Soul" doesn´t quite do the trick for getting thingsmoving, as far as I´m concerned; it´s kind of a frenetic,meandering sort of song that doesn´t really do much to make itselfmemorable. This poor start was immediately forgotten upon hearingthe following three tracks, "Come Resonance of Doom," "The GroundSurrenders," and "Succumb to Sin." The former is a solid song thatwould not sound out of place on "Fuck the Universe" with its alien,stilted drums and crescendo of steel-string chaos toward the end."The Ground Surrenders" is simply a fantastic song. The guitarschurn over a stomping drum beat for about the first half of thesong, at which point the it switches from sludgy crunch tolaser-focused black metal, played with astonishing power,forcefulness, and precision; I was immediately reminded of baroquemusic, and that impression still hasn´t entirely left me. "Succumbto Sin" is a nasty, snarling, piece of work with a lurching, minorkey riff accented by strangulated string bends. The hostility oozesfrom the music as the drums crack, thump, clang, and clatterbeneath guitars that morph and swell, sounding one moment like aparticularly restless doom metal band, then taking an abrupt detourback into Craft´s wheelhouse with an extremely clever, stark,tremolo picked guitar line that closes out the song in a furiousblur. The remainder of the album is a plateau (in the best way;they kept the quality high!) from these tracks as it winds andworks its way through the remainder of its length, taking extended,dirgey detours with conversational guitar parts that play off ofone another in unexpected ways. The album´s true display ofunremitting black metal insanity comes in the form of thecompletely-lacking-in-subtlety"I Want to Commit Murder," a bluntweapon of a song that is nevertheless extremely effective at doingwhat it does (namely, freaking right the fuck out). One thingcannot be said enough: Craft has a sense of symmetry, meter, andrestraint that goes ignored too often in black metal withoutsacrificing a scintilla of the music´s impact. "Void"`s songs arewritten like a mathematical problem, in such a way that one isalways drawn to the "correct" conclusion that leaves the songfeeling somehow especially complete. This just means that thesesongs are meticulously composed and arranged so nothing seems outof place, and the album is stronger for it. Craft´s modus operandihas always been to mix ugly things with other ugly things and seewhat new ugliness can come out of it. I´m happy to say thatwherever the well of ugliness being drawn from by these guys is,it´s far from running dry.

Track list:
1. Intro (Johns Nightmare)
2. Serpent Soul
3. Come Resonance Of Doom
4. The Ground Surrenders
5. Succumb To Sin
6. Leaving The Corporal Shade
7. I Want To Commit Murder
8. Bring On The Clouds
9. Void

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inomgraderingsområdet

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Craft -Void DLP red vinyl with gatefold ltd 450 copies


250 SEK


MOTALA, Sverige




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