
Ett exemplar av papperstidningen Time Literary Supplement.
"Holy Maidenhood" is a review by J.R.R. Tolkien of the E.E.T.S. edition of Hali Meidenhad: An Alliterative Prose Homily of the Thirteenth Century edited by F.J. Furnivall. The review was published on 26 April 1923 in The Times Literary Supplement.
On June 28, 2017, an edited version of Tolkien's review (now entitled "In her maiden bliss") was published online in The Times Literary Supplement, appearing in the print version of the magazine on 30 June 2017 (page 34).
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"Holy Maidenhood" is a review by J.R.R. Tolkien of the E.E.T.S. edition of Hali Meidenhad: An Alliterative Prose Homily of the Thirteenth Century edited by F.J. Furnivall. The review was published on 26 April 1923 in The Times Literary Supplement.
On June 28, 2017, an edited version of Tolkien's review (now entitled "In her maiden bliss") was published online in The Times Literary Supplement, appearing in the print version of the magazine on 30 June 2017 (page 34).
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J.R.R. Tolkien, "In her maiden bliss" (Holy Maidenhood) in TLS, June 2017
Avslutad 26 jan 16:45
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