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GOODBYE, MR. DESPAIR Nozomu Itoshiki is depressed. Very depressed. He’s certifiably suicidal, but he’s also the beloved schoolteacher of a class of unique students, each charming in her own way: The stalker. The shut-in. The obsessive-compulsive. The girl who comes to class every day with strange bruises. And Kafuka, the most optimistic girl in the world, who knows that every cloud has a silver lining. For all of them, it’s a special time, when the right teacher can have a lasting positive effect on their lives. But is that teacher Itoshiki, a.k.a. Zetsubou-sensei, who just wants to find the perfect place to die?

Item nr. 632945685

Aantal keer bekeken 17

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Di. 11 jun 11:45

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei Vol. 1


SEK 79


Angered , Zweden




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