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Digipak. Limited 1000 numbered copies

While remaining firmly underground and mostly unheard of,Runemagick has spent the nineties forging an ever more potent andauthentic style of death/ doom metal. Envenom breaks the trend ofRunemagick´s steady progression, relinquishing most of the grooveand drive of the previous two albums and sounding like a differentband compared to anything before the album `Darkness Death Doom´.The album is an hour of music split into five songs (between eightand fifteen minutes long), with the usual intros, outros andinterludes ditched in favour of more explorative and lessfragmented music. This album feels more like the combined work ofthree musicians rather than a symbiotic merging of instruments.Compared to the throaty, chugging sound of Darkness Death Doom andOn Funeral Wings, Nicklas brandishes a desiccated, funereal tonethat is less welded to Emma´s bass and Mojjo´s drums, insteadgroaning overhead with the terrible splendour of some ancientwinged beast. The slower tempos actually mean that Mojjo is freedup somewhat, and across the album he indulges himself with concise,punctual fills and rolls that generate a more colourful backbonethan most doom this slow would feature. Emma meanwhile is left toher own devices, and no longer constantly complementing Nicklas,she owns entire areas of the record, enveloping them with the pallof her sombre, distorted bass guitar. There is a strong stonerinfluence on the album; previous Runemagick albums are excellenttalking material, but Envenom actually starts to sound more incommon with something that fellow Swedes Ocean Chief (with whomRunemagick would later collaborate on a split album) might do.While never achieving the same heaviness as the aforementionedVikings, the song structures on Envenom consist of drawn out,repeated sections that seep into each other almost without itregistering, creating an intoxicated, at times even sleepyenvironment (if it weren´t for the ever fearsome growls fromNicklas, that is.). Accordingly, the guitar riffs no longermanifest as crushing post-death metal ogres, but as repetitivehumming discharges of feedback. The hypnotic amalgamation ofimposing death/ doom leads and stoned, swaying riffs peaks with theclosing `Maelstrom´, a masterwork amongst the band´s manyachievements. In true Runemagick "current era" style, the tracksall run into one another; if you aren´t particularly concentratingon which track is on, this album flows like one enormous piece ofmusic. The songs revolve around central themes, with more pressingriffs occasionally accelerating the song forwards, before it dropsback to the initial motif. Extensive ambient sections create thestoner doom mood, but sections like the middle of the title tracksee more recognizable riff patterns emerging, and Mojjo´s drummingbeginning to pick up the pace. Since Runemagick aren´t concernedwith creating despondent, lamenting doom, the listener does notbecome distracted by their personal, emotional response to themusic and instead can become fully submerged in the monolithiccreations found on Envenom. Instrumentally, Nicklas is lessdominating than in the past, and with his vocals used much moresparingly to make room for extensive instrumental passages, thebass and drums have more room to breathe. Envenom is anatural-sounding jam session that takes the form of dark andsuffocating doom, a gateway to the band for stoner and sludge´heads, and an understatedly grandiose expansion of the existingRunemagick formula, setting the scene for their next twofull-lengths. It doesn´t have the brute power of Darkness DeathDoom, and although it is more consistent than its predecessor interms of a unified sound and structure, it takes a lot longer tocomprehend and appreciate. This is an unprecedented approach tobridging death/ doom and stoner metal, and is creatively the mostpivotal album Runemagick´s discography. This should be recognizedamongst other classics of death/ doom, but then, most ofRunemagick's albums should be.

Track list:
1. Vultures
2. Envenom (Laterna Magica)
3. Nebulous
4. Omnivore (Sin Eater)
5. Maelstrom

Condition cover: nm

Condition cd:nm

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Runemagick -Envenom digi cd Death doom ltd 1000 copies


169 SEK


MOTALA, Sverige




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