
Vertaald door

It’s about freedom, man. Freedom.” From Choppertown producer, Zack Coffman and Greg ”Edge” Scheuer, promoter of the Smoke Out Rally. This film captures the experience of the original garage-built chopper rally and the culture of infamous biker magazine The Horse Backstreet Choppers. The story of real men and women who burn the midnight oil with wrenches in their hands and grease under their fingernails. Featuring: Amateur Chop Off, Drive-in Bike Show, Old School Drags, The Stampede, The Long Road, Minis, Bean’re, George-the-Painter, Jeff ”Speed King” Cochran, Hammer, Englishman, Wet T-shirt Contest, Painted Ladies, and a host of chopper crazies!All region motorcycle DVD with a ton of bonus clips.This film is not rated: Adult themes, strong language, oh and some boobs.”

Item nr. 631348489

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Bergshamra , Zweden



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