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Taking advantage of the huge success of previous Buzz Quiz titles, Buzz Sports is a must for fans of both quiz and similar sports. He also sees the return of legendary Buzz for his third series in the hugely successful Buzz Quiz series.

Buzz commented, they had to have me back for another series and this time its sports, something Im natural. With some of the high-profile friends I have in the sports world, they offered me a lot of incentives to make it clear that certain celebrities are included. But whatever money I receive will obviously go straight to charity.

Buzz Sports has support for up to 8 players, enough for the entire team to play this top sports league quiz showdown. With 10 individual rounds for the battle, including rotation and sport world, finish line, estimate and old Buzz favorites, like Builder points & passing the bomb, Buzz Sports will have you wishing for extra time every time you catch the Buzzer .

Buzz Sports also brings back some of your favorite Buzz kitted characters in different sports costumes, Stevie de Disco as a basketball player, Gina as a tennis player and Pelvis as a darts player, to name just a few. Buzzs studio has also been transformed into Buzz Sports, an indoor sports arena now greets competitors when they leave the locker room to face the camera, lights and audience.

Buzz Sports comes packed with great new content, including hundreds of still images and video clips spread between local and world sports stars and heroes of the past and present day. Clips will feature both World Cup and Olympic moments as well as other sporting events across the globe.

10 individual rounds to keep players coming back for more.
16 selectable global sports characters.
Up to 8 player competition for everyone!
Hundreds of new sports images and video clips.

Med svenskt, danskt eller norskt tal som alternativ.


Betalning Inom 3 bankdagar med Traderas Utcheckning

Hör av er till mig om ni önskar ett annat upplägg.

Om betalning ej erhålles inom rimlig tid lämnas negativt omdöme och utebliven betalning rapporteras till Tradera.

Skickas med Postnord brev - ej spårbart.

OBS! - Jag ansvarar inte för postens hantering.

Önskas spårbar försändelse så kostar det 49:- med Postnord eller 59:- med Schenker.

Samfrakt går att ordna om du vinner flera auktioner

Prisexempel på frakt:

1 disk = 22:- med Postnord

2 disk = 44:- med Postnord

3 disk eller mer upp till 1 kg (Ca 7-8 diskar) = 59:- med Schenker

Eftersom de flesta skivor är begagnade så kan det finnas ytliga repor, tumavtryck mm.
Skivor inspekteras okulärt innan införsel i Tradera och de garanteras att vara i spelbart skick.

Item nr. 606 610 204

Aantal keer bekeken 120

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Anderen vinden het ook leuk


Buzz! The Sports Quiz (Skandinavisk) - PS2 - OOP/Utgången


SEK 149


BLEKET, Zweden




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