Rights holder and Tradera

We believe that as a rights holder, you know your brand best. Working together to keep our site free from items and content that infringe on your rights is something that we all benefit from.

Why should I as a rights holder cooperate with Tradera?

It protects our shared buyers from purchasing items that may be copies or otherwise unauthorized. It helps you as a rights holder to protect your brand. The reported item will be prioritized and handled more quickly.

How to get started

Fill in and submit the Notice of Infringement documents, along with an original signature. You can send the documents by email to vero@tradera.com. You only need to submit the NOCI document once. After that, you only need to email the item numbers of the ads and the type of infringement.

What is an NOCI document?

The requested Notice of Infringement document is designed to ensure that the person reporting ads is a rights holder or is authorized to report on behalf of the rights holder. It is also a way to simplify our work to identify what we should act upon.

Click on the link below to download the Notice of Infringement (requires Adobe® Reader).

NOCI for infringing itemsNOCI for infringing content

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