
När jag med kablar lägger ström på motorpolerna från analog trafo, går loket så fint med belysning i färdriktning. Men när jag ställer det på 2-räls och försöker köra, så går loket någon centimeter med belysning innan det stannar. Jag vet inte vad som kan vara problemet. Det ser ut som en högtalare i mitten på undersidan. Jag vet ej eventuell adress till decoder. Den som budar gör det med vetskap om detta.

Med bruksanvisning och ask.

Diesellok Reihe MY EP.III

Danish State Railways (DSB) class MY 1100. Diesel electric NOHAB general-purpose locomotive. Use: Heavy passenger and freight trains.

A DCC/Selectrix decoders, item no. 66838, can be installed in the locomotive; a small amount of soldering is required. 4 axles powered. Traction tires. Length over the buffers 118 mm / 4-5/8".


• This Trix model complies with the regulations concerning suppression of interference with radio and television reception.

• An electronic overload protection is built in to protect the model.

• Tripleheadlightsthatchangeoverwiththedirectionoftravel. • Ready for the installation of the 66838 Selectrix locomotive

• Analog 14 volts DC, digital 22 volts AC.
Safety Information
• Not suitable for operation on digital layouts without a

locomotive decoder installed in it first.
• Only authorized dealers should install the Selectrix locomo-

tive decoder.
• The locomotive must not be connected to more than one

power source al a time.
• Pay close attention to the safty warnings in the instructions

for your operating system.

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Visningar 388


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