
Fint skick, förklarar på ett väldigt pedagogiskt sätt öppnings system för vit i schack.

This is the "Phoenix Attack Edition" of Zuke 'Em: The Colle-Zukertort Revolutionized (ISBN: 1888710357). This new attack promises to be the mainline for the future of the Colle-Zukertort (a.k.a. The Rubinstein Attack). For decades, the chess world has run down the reputation of the C-Z as an unassuming opening, claiming it did not exact the full measure of pain from Black in the quest to equalize. If such is the case, why do strong players (as Black) avoid the Zukertort? Instead they opt to play any of several pet defenses rather than deal with the constriction and onslaught of the main line. In Zuke 'Em: The Colle-System Revolutionzed, Rudel explains the basics of the Zukertort and then provided plenty of new ideas to address these various pet defenses that cowardly opponents may choose. In this book you will also find: 1.Introductory chapters for those who would not know the Zukertort from a Lemon Torte. 2.Analysis in real English from the perspective of someone who has played the opening exclusively for over a decade. 3.A barrage of never-before-published answers and extensive commentary on common lines. 4.A training section to help you retain and test your understanding of the opening.

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the Colle-Zukertort , schack öppningsbok



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Flen , Sverige




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