
The face of the Waters
Simon Raven

Blond 1985. Hård pärm 250 sidor. Mycket gott skick.
ISBN 0856341762

This is the second volume of Simon Raven's new saga The First-born of Egypt, whose theme is "the purposes, beliefs and ways of life of the growing young as observed, deplored or encouraged by their elders". The Face of the Waters picks up the interwoven threads of Morning Star and leads us through a maze of conflicting loyalties: between the exigencies of love and of honour, as well as of duty and convenience.

Fielding Gray and Jeremy Morrison are returning home from their tour of the Peloponnese. Their journey takes them to Venice, where they encounter the limping friar, Picro, an ex-male whore and a figure from a shared but now distant past.

At his family home in Wiltshire, Lord Canteloupe is beginning to be bored by the continued presence of Jo-Jo and Jean-Marie Guiscard the former about to produce what she is determined will be a son, the later having just completed the final draft of his book about a curious episode in the history of the French castle of Arques-la-Bataille.
The troublesome Marius is now safely returned to his preparatory school, thanks to the diplomacy of the headmaster Glinter Parkes and the generous contribution of Marius' father, Gregory Stern, to the school's appeal for a new shooting range.

The waters of this misleadingly placid pool are disturbed by the arrival of Piero, who has hitch-hiked in his friar's habit from Venice; by the threat from Jeremy's father to saddle him with the responsibility of the family estate; by the reunion of Baby Canteloupe with Piero, whom she has not seen since her childhood; and, in an appalling and harrowing climax, by the results of Gregory Stern's refusal to be blackmailed.

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The face of the Waters, Simon Raven


50 kr


MALMÖ, Sverige





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