
You are a highly qualified, sharp-witted astrobiologist named Yasna. Being entangled in a space race, you and your crew end up on the unexplored planet Regis III. The scientific journey quickly turns into a search mission for lost crewmates. Follow its trail, but be fully aware that every decision you make can bring you closer to danger.

Uncover mind-boggling scientific phenomena in a cosmic, philosophical adventure set within eerie landscapes. Discover fragments of what’s lost and report to your Astrogator, let his voice aid you in hard times.

You couldn’t have foreseen humanity’s biggest threat. It will force you to rethink mankind’s ambitions and biases. Go on - make decisions, follow the mystery… but remember not to underestimate the brutal simplicity and brilliance of evolution.

Robots, people… Choose whether to interact with different creatures on Regis III or how to do it. Friend, companion? Enemy? You never suspected what these words might really mean before you got here.

Immerse yourself in the atompunk atmosphere by using various tools, such as a telemeter or a tracker, and drive a vehicle through a stunning landscape. Experience realistic interactions with analogue technologies in a retro futuristic timeline.

The Invincible is a first-person game based on the motifs of The Invincible - an iconic novel of the world-known, hard science-fiction author and Polish futurologist Stanisław Lem.

There are places like Regis III, not prepared for us and for which we are not prepared for. Still, our spacecraft inevitably comes closer to the destination - for our stories and fates to cross in a dead spot.

Key features:

  • First-person game based on the motifs from The Invincible by Stanisław Lem.
  • Take part in a philosophical adventure on an unexplored planet
  • Play as Yasna, a highly qualified and sharp-witted astrobiologist
  • Immerse yourself in the atompunk atmosphere by using various tools, such as a telemeter or a tracker.
  • Make decisions that matter and witness various endings to your journey


Lagringsutrymme: 12GB

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The Invincible


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Norrtälje, Sverige





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