
Everyman's Encyclopaedia in twelve volumes - 1949, Third Edition.
De 12 bokbanden innehåller sammanlagt 9378 sidor och väger ca 8 kg.
Det engelska uppslagsverket innehåller en hel del intressanta bilder och tekningar som inte publicerades i efterföljande editioner. Bl.a. detaljerade skådeplatser av WW2.

Everyman's Encyclopaedia is an encyclopedia published by Joseph Dent from 1913 as part of the Everyman's Library.

The set was descended from the 1850s English Cyclopaedia of 1854, which in turn was based on the Penny Cyclopaedia of the 1830s. Originally published in 1913–14 by J.M. Dent in London and, simultaneously, E. P. Dutton in New York, the encyclopedia proved popular due to its low cost, small size and concise but highly accurate articles. The set did, however, lack much illustrative material. Andrew Boyle was credited as the editor.

A second edition was published in 1931–32. The title was slightly different, changing from The Everyman Encyclopedia to Everyman's Encyclopaedia. This set had 12 volumes, 7 million words, 9,000 pages and 50,000 articles. There was also an optional atlas volume. Athelstan Ridgway was credited as the editor.

The third edition was published in 1949, again under Ridgways direction, and published in London by Dent. (ur Wikipedia)

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Everyman's Encyclopaedia in twelve volumes - 1949, Third Edition.



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Hässelby, Sverige




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