
Punchat men komplett och ospelat.


Volume V in GMT’s COIN Series takes us back to the struggle of the
American Patriots against their parent British government. A unique
multi-faction treatment of the American Revolution, Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection
will take 1 to 4 players between lines of clashing red and blue
infantry, Indian raids, European politics, British control of the seas,
French intervention, and the propaganda war.

Building off the good works of COIN Series Creator Volko Ruhnke and
Series Designers Jeff Grossman, Brian Train, Mark Herman, and Andrew
Ruhnke Designer Harold Buchanan applies his knowledge of the American
Revolutionary period to take a new look at the struggle that built a
nation. COIN Series Developer Mike Bertucelli continues his work on this
project and Volko Ruhnke is an active advisor.

Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection features
the same card-assisted counterinsurgency game system as GMT's Andean
Abyss, Cuba Libre, A Distant Plain, Fire in the Lake and Gallic War with
a set of twists that take the COIN Series to the 18th Century,

  • Brilliant Strokes that trump initiative (Led by leaders like Washington, Rochambeau, Clinton and Joseph Brant)
  • Irregular troops (Patriot Militia and Indian War Parties)
  • Regular troops (British and French Regulars and Patriot Continentals) for battles and skirmishes with line infantry
  • Rabble Rousing, Skirmishing, Tories, variable French entry, and Indian Raids
  • Variable impact of naval commitments between the British and French
  • French blockades to confound British plans
  • French financing options to feed the Patriot’s war effort
  • A large deck of 110 + cards for great play variety
  • Short, medium, and long-length scenarios with period-event or random options.

Each faction in Liberty or Death brings new capabilities and challenges:

As the British, you have to deal with an Insurrection across a
massive region. With control of the seas (at least until the French
arrive), you have extreme flexibility and can move across the coast and
cities at will. You will muster Tories to support your efforts. They
will march with you to battle, but they need your cover. You can
control any space you choose, but you cannot answer every threat on the
map. The Indians will work with you but, like the Tories, will need you
to coordinate and protect them when the Patriots become aggressive.
With the leadership of Gage, Howe, and then Clinton, you will be able to
strike a potentially decisive Brilliant Stroke if the stars align.
Each leader brings something new to the war effort. If you can strike
the decisive blow and Win the Day you will be able to build Support and
reduce Opposition in short order. If the option to Battle the French in
the Colonies presents itself, it will be hard to pass up!

As the Patriots, you initially aren’t powerful enough to counteract
the British Army. You will need to pick your battles and initially
spread the Militia to key areas. Over time you can train a force of
Continentals to take on the British Regulars. Until then, Rabble-rouse
and work with the French to challenge British dominance. Skirmish with
the British in small numbers to make their stay expensive. Will the
French be there when you need them? Persuade the local population to
give you resources to keep the heat up. Watch the Indians on the
Frontier because if they develop their forces unanswered you won’t be
able to win the game regardless of what happens with the British.

As the Indian player, you have selected the lesser of two evils in
aligning with the British. You will work with them to lower Opposition
using Raids but you will be developing your footprint by Gathering
forces and building villages. The British can help you to protect them
from the Patriots and in return you can assist the British in
controlling the region. War Chief Joseph Brant and later War Chief
Cornplanter give you the ability to mount a decisive attack with your
War Parties but will it be worth exposing your villages to Patriot

As the French, you have the ability to be the thorn in the side of
the British in North America. With the Hortalez Rodrigue et Cie
Company, formed to feed the Patriots resources, you can fund the
Insurrection. Your agents can rally assistance in and around Quebec and
you can facilitate privateers to steal resources from the British. When
you sign the Treaty of Alliance with the Patriots, you can bring French
Regulars to America to March and Battle. You can also increase French
Naval Intervention, Blockade Cities, move Regulars by sea and Skirmish
with the British.

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Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection (GMT)

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