
With Patronymicon we enter the realmsof Swedish Black Metal once again. Marduk and Dissection are thefirst and the biggest names that come to mind within seconds,seminal and overshadowing. Marduk is still a measure as far asextremity is concerned, for their raging full speed attackPanzerdivsion Marduk. And the influence of Dissection on thecontemporary Black Metal scene can not be overestimated for sure.Some say Marduk haven’t really met the quality of theaforementioned album again, and we all know what happened to JonNodtveidt. So there is a void to fill and Patronymicon are ready todo so. With their second album All Daggers Towards The Sky they areon a very good way. And they combine the best of the flagships oftheir local scene. After the instrumental opener BalamuthiaMandrillaris a storm sets in, called World Closure, that would havefitted on the first two Dissection albums as well. The parallels toJon Nodtveidt’s understanding of how Black Metal should sound can’tbe denied, since Patronymicon mastermind N.Sadist has a similartendency to write longer and variable songs which need melodies andguitar harmonies as a special ingredient. Just listen to the prettylong Mourning Cold with it’s guitar work in the best tradition ofDissection. A pretty fine one as well, even though it also remindsme of Watain in the beginning. The Great Pestilence runs you downin the same manner. Fortifications Failed and Unleash Hells Fire(another longer song) even play with rhythms and guitar elements inbest classic Metal tradition without leaving the world of theblack. In the end, this band surprised me with Age OfContamination, that is rooted in classic and Thrash Metal a littlemore, with moments that even remind of the almighty Mercyful Fate.But again, a certain main influence can’t be denied. The more Ilisten to All Daggers Towards The Sky, the more I like it. And Ijust wanted to label them as a Dissection clone after the firsthearing. So if you need more Swedish black metal in your life thenthis is a good place to start

Track list:
1. Balamuthia Mandrillaris
2. World Closure
3. Fortifications Failed
4. The Great Pestilence
5. Mourning Cold
6. Unleash Hells Fire
7. Age Of Contamination

Condition cover: mint / stillsealed

Condition cd: mint

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Skick gradering:

M (mint)/NM (near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inom graderingsområdet

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Patronymicon -All daggers towards the sky cd Swedish black m


79 kr


MOTALA, Sverige




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