
Still sealed cd box set with 4 ThyPrimordial albums collected into one must have release

Cd 1: Where Only The Seasons Mark ThePaths Of Time 1997
Fast, technical and chaotic black metal act Thy Primordial fromMjolby, Sweden started life as Carcharoth. A name change to Luciferensued before a further name switch to Primordial. As Primordialthe band debuted with their De Morka Makters Alla demo in 1995.Discovering the Irish act of the same name the Swedes opted finallyfor Thy Primordial and released their second demo Svart Gryning(Black Dawn). The vinyl single Signs Of Leviathan was released onParanoia Syndrome in 1996. Thy Primordial inked a deal withAmerican Gothic records and recorded their full length album UnderIskall Trollmane for a 1995 release. However the released wasshelved and the band signed to Pulverised label for the Where OnlyThe Seasons Mark The Path Of Time effort. The album was produced byTommy Tagtgren. Seeing Thy Primoridal making strides on their ownGothic records hastily issued the intended debut Under IskallTrollmane in 1998. Thy Primordial features Isidor (MikaelAndersson) and L.V. Managarmr (Jonas Albrektsson) from Indungeon.Albrektsson can also be found in Niden Div.87 and Retaliation. Theoverall sound of Where Only The Seasons Mark The Path Of Time canbe compared to that of Emperor or Setherial, although these guysare neither as atmospheric nor as musically inventive. Still, theyrip through some great material at a hellish pace, and the album ispeppered with passages which I really like (Svart Gryning, inparticular, has some great moments). Also, by black metalstandards, the playing is very good, the production is prettysolid, and the guitar sound is unusually full. If you get intoEmperor-style black metal but get turned off by the rudimentaryproduction typical of many bands, then I think you’d definitelyenjoy this album. If, on the other hand, you’re somebody whohankers after ever-weirder black metal variants, then this willprobably seem not bad, but more than a bit samey.

Cd 2: The Heresy Of An Age Reason2000
With surprisingly little time elapsed since the release of theirfantastic third album, At the World of Untrodden Wonder, Sweden’sunjustifiably unrecognised Thy Primordial have now, anno 2000,crafted their finest work of retaliation to date. Blasting in trueThy Primordial style, opener Ceased to Decay showcases the bandsknack for melding epic melody lines with pure aggression. As amoment of calm deceptively seems to settle in, writhing, serpentineriffs finely woven into a sudden storm of blasting drums andgrowling bass brutally lash out in venomous, hateful and melodicrushes, laden with spectacular, intense drumming and vocalistIsidor’s harsh, grating and baleful screams. The highly impressivedouble-pedal pummelling of Morth sets the score right from thestart: Thy Primordial are faster and tighter than ever before,launching into attacks of breathtakingly furious, yet disarminglymelodious Swedish mayhem. The rage which animates The Heresey Of AnAge Of Reason is truly tangible, and the incredible, bewitchingmelodic guitar work, at times tinged with the icy fury of earlyNorwegian black metal, can barely claim to shroud the sheer bestialanger that emanates from this thundering, rabid black metal opus.Comparisons with countrymen Dark Funeral will no doubt be made, butrest assured that Thy Primordials material rises far above the oftmonotonous straight-ahead speed of the former. Masterfully tamedmusical savagery is indeed what the album perfectly embodies; ThyPrimordials fourth full-length exudes aggressive, outstandingmusicality, played by five competent and inspired musicians. Whileone yearns for the stronger melodies of their early work, the sheerpower and intensity on this album crushes any uncertainties onemight have about this band’s ability, as well as providing atestament to the faultless Sunlight production. In fact, the bandsskills for keeping such relentlessly fast material from soundingmessy or formulaic has always been remarkable, and the band looksto be honing it to a finer edge with every album. Despite thelabel’s apparent lack of distribution and advertising, this recordis brimming with an expensive production and layout worthy of muchbigger labels. At a time of the ever-renewing metal cycle whenblack metal seems to have slipped into a coma, Thy Primordial havedealt a fourth merciless blow with The Heresy Of An Age Of Reason,and spawned an album which reveals that the chthonic forces lurkingin the Swedish scene are certainly as talented and worthy ofrecognition as the Swedish black metal flame-bearers Marduk andDawn.

Cd 3: The Crowning Carnage 2002
(check our webpage for this text)

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Thy Primordial -Blackened years 4cd S/S 4 albums in one box


198 kr


MOTALA, Sverige




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